Under 2’s:
Go free, provided they sit on the lap of a parent or guardian.
If you require a seat for an under 2, you must pay the appropriate price.
**Unless stated: This policy applies to only shows arranged or produced by The Civic – so does not apply to Monday Night Group Pantomime, for example**
Healthy Snack and Drinks
The Bar serves a range of snacks that you would normally expect such as crisps, nuts, etc, and we occasionally have confectionary available.
After feedback from Families we have replaced Fruits Shoots with healthier alternatives.
These drinks have lower levels of saccarine and use only natural fruit juices mixed with spring water.
The Civic, Stourport welcomes parents who are Breastfeeding.
We have a quieter area of the venue with comfortable seating and tables if you prefer some privacy, please speak to one of our staff who will gladly assist you.
There is also some seating in the bar area which may also be suitable.
Baby Changing Facilities
There is a wall mounted baby changing table in the accesible toilet, along the main corridor from the foyer to the bar.
This is a unisex toilet so anyone can use it.
Child Suitable Seating
We currently do not have dedicated seating for children.
However if you wish to bring you own booster seats with you so that your children can see better, please feel free.
Please be aware that for events with Full Theatre Style Seating all the seats tip up when empty or when enough weight is not
kept on them. The Civic bears no liability for anyone using booster seats, and it is the parent/carers reposisbility to ensure they feel
that their child will be safe on the seat and booster.
The Civic is signed up to the Family Arts Standards, a national scheme run by the Family Arts Campaign and the Family and Childcare Trust.
It is supported by Arts Council England.
The aim of the Family Arts Standards is to encourgage more families to enjoy arts experiences. They have been designed to:
The Civic will be using the standards to help us improve our venue and programming so everyone can enjoy what The Civic has to offer.
Click here to find out more about The Civic’s Commitment to the Family Arts Standards
Prams, Pushchairs and Buggies
The venue operates with a number of flexible seating arrangements.
This ranges from full theatre style seating to cabaret style seating with tables, to unallocated seating/standing arrangements.
For Full Theatre Seating there is no space for Pushchairs, Prams, and Buggies inside the auditorium/main hall.
This is due to the need to keep aisles and gangways clear for audience members to get in and out of the auditorium/main hall during the event.
For Cabaret style seating with tables, and unallocated seating/standing arrangements please contact the Hall Manager to discuss your needs and we will try to ensure that you can be accomodated comfortably.
Pushchairs, Prams, and Buggies should be folded up, where possible, and can be left in the foyer until the end of the event.
Any items are left in the foyer at the owners risk.